Naturalist, John Hay was fond of hiking in the forests of New Hampshire. His book In The Company of Light retraces a hike to reach the hidden headwaters of Beech Brook, the water supply for his boyhood home at The Fells. The spring is hidden deep in the woods and off-trail on the Forest Society’s 700+-acre Hay Forest Reservation located adjacent to The Fells.
Join Forest Society Education Director, Dave Anderson for a spectacular evening hike to reach the source of Beech Brook and then a rugged bushwhack hike off trail to reach the summit of Sunset Hill, ancestral Hay family summer picnic grounds. Difficulty: A rugged, 2+-mile loop hike that gains 550 feet to the 1800 foot elevation at the summit of Sunset Hill. BYO water and snacks. Off trail bushwhacking is required. Program meets at the Welcome Kiosk. Co-sponsored by the Society for the Protection of NH forests and the John Hay Estate at The Fells.
SPNHF and Fells members $10, non-members $15. Advance registration required as space is limited. Register HERE or call 603-763-4789 X3. RAIN DATE: June 20, 2021