Efffective pruning is really about gaining knowledge and building confidence in the task. It is also about honing skills through repeated practice so that you can be as effective as possible. The shrubs you prune routinely will look better and perform better as your skills improve. This will help you achieve the long-term results that you may be looking for. Part B of this series is a continuation of the learning and work we did together the day before here at The Fells and we welcome all of those participants to return for a second day. As in March, we also welcome home gardeners or new landscape professionals who wish to pick up a few new pointers or suggestions for advancing their pruning techniques as they pertain to summer flowering shrubs. When you complete the day, we hope you then go on to prune similar summer flowering plants at your own site with confidence and care. Bring your own tools or use those of The Fells.
Members: Free and Nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced registration is required as there is a class limit. To reserve your space, please email info@thefells.org or call 603-763-4789 x3.
To sign up for both Part A and Part B: $15 for nonmembers.