Volunteer Events
Volunteers are the heart and soul of The Fells. Without our dedicated cadre of volunteers we simply would not be able to accomplish all that we do. In 2013, 300 volunteers invested 7,900 hours in support of our mission “to welcome people of all ages to The Fells, making each visit an enriching experience with opportunities to explore and learn from our natural lakeside setting, our renowned gardens, and the historic achievements of statesman John Hay.”
We are most grateful to the Wheaton family for their generosity in funding the Diane Mathewson Wheaton Fund for Volunteers, that enables us to provide training, special programs and outings for our valued volunteers.
Check back later to learn more about exciting opportunities for volunteers in 2017.
Contact Volunteer Coordinator at 603-763-4789 x6 or tpaul@thefells.org with any questions.