Mark Twain believed that John Hay was "the only one of whom the entire nation is proud. Proud and thankful." Theodore Roosevelt once said of John Hay, "he was the most delightful man to talk to I ever met, for in his conversation he continually made out of hand those delightful epigrammatic remarks which we would all like to make." We are pleased to welcome author and historian Philip McFarland back to The Fells. Mr. McFarland will speak about his recently published book, John Hay, Friend of Giants; the Man and Life Connecting Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Henry James, and Theodore Roosevelt. Books will be sold at the event, thanks to MainStreet BookEnds of Warner, or can be bought in advance through them or Morgan Hill in New London. Mr. McFarland will be signing after his presentation. The presentation will take place on the Veranda of the Main House. Members: $10, non-members: $15. Advanced registration is requested, though walk-ins are welcome. Register call 603-763-4789 ext 3.
About the presenter: The father of two grown sons, Philip McFarland was born in Birmingham, Alabama, where he attended public schools before entering Phillips Exeter Academy. He majored in history at Oberlin College, served for 3 1/2 years in the U.S. Navy, then took a degree in English at Cambridge University. He now lives in Lexington, Massachusetts. His most recent book, which Rowman and Littlefield Publishers brought out in March 2017, is JOHN HAY, FRIEND OF GIANTS: THE MAN AND THE LIFE CONNECTING ABRAHAM LINCOLN, MARK TWAIN, HENRY JAMES, AND THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Other titles by Mr. McFarland are MARK TWAIN AND THE COLONEL, LOVES OF HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, HAWTHORNE IN CONCORD, THE BRAVE BOSTONIANS, SEA DANGERS, AND SOJOURNERS