The John Hay Estate Summer Luncheon Series
Wednesday, July 29, 11am-2pm
“Green Thumbs in the White House”
Presentation by Kevin Bragg of Canterbury Plantation
Take a trip through time at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, as we examine the horticultural history behind the "Executive Residence". We'll learn about the people, both Presidents and gardeners, who have left their mark on the White House. This illustrated presentation will show glimpses of the "President's Park" as it has changed from 1790 to the present. Kevin Bragg, owner and chief water applicator of Canterbury Plantation, will share his personal stories of working in the White House. Meets at the Pavilion. Because of COVID-19 we are unable to offer food and beverages this summer but we encourage you to please bring your own lunch to enjoy during the presentation.
Members: $25, nonmembers: $35. Advanced Registration is Required as the event will be limited to 25 people. To register click HERE. Call 603-763-2712 x3 with any questions. John Hay Estate at The Fells,